Friday, December 18, 2009

Final Week - "Coins for Cancer"

We wrapped up or "Coins for Cancer" fundraising this week and I just have to say again that this fundraiser has been truly blessed. We had no idea we were going to be able to collect what did. Our community is so very caring and generous and I feel so blessed to be able to experience the outporing of love that has been given for Ian and Alexia.
This week we ended with:
2nd grade - $278.16
3rd grade - $83.92
4th grade - $124.92
5th grade - $385.78

This brings us to a total for the week of $872.97.

Over all through this fundraising effort we have been able to collect $4534.23! What a blessing you all are Huffman!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Second Week's Donations - "Coins for Cancer"

What a week it was for Coins for Cancer! Every grade level turned in containers that were all around the half full mark. I was very impressed with the generosity this week.

Saturday my husband and I set off to the bank to count the coins and make deposits into Ian and Alexia's accounts. The containers were so heavy I could not lift them, thank goodness my husband was with me!

We arrived at the bank at 11:00 and began feeding the machine with coins. At 1:15 we were finished with two containers and still had two more to go. Unfortunately we were not allowed to finished and were kindly asked to leave once our second container was finished. We were told it was because the machine was full however, they closed at 2:00 and I think the reason was different from what we were told.

We then set off to a grocery story near by. As we began to feed that machine we realized we were in for several more hours as that machine was painfully slow. My husband decided to take the last container across the street to another grocery store and see if he could move things along any faster. He discovered a very efficient machine and finished his container and was back to pick me up before I could even get half way through mine. I cashed out and went across the street and was finished in 30 minutes.

It was a 5 hour ordeal to get all of the coins counted and we were met with many challenges however, we were successful in cashing in all of the coins we collected and I was even touched by a bag boy at the first grocery store who emptied his pockets as he watched me feed the machine and asked what I was collecting the money for. Once I told him the story about Ian and Alexia, his hands went straight into his pockets. He dug every coin out he could find and asked if he could donate too.

Even when faced with challenges and adversities goodness always shines through and our efforts were blessed.

This weeks totals are:
2nd grade - $524.86
3rd grade - $468.80
4th grade - $613.09
5th grade - $293.19

For a total collection for the week of: $1899.94!!!

I can not tell you how blessed I am to experience such generosity. Good work Copeland Elementary/Huffman Intermediate!

Tanna Padgett

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ben Bowen Early Childhood Update

The Ben Bowen Early Childhood campus has joined in our efforts to raise money for Ian and Alexia by offering Dollar Days at their campus. Last week the theme was "Go Team Day". Teachers who donated a dollar could wear jeans and tee-shirts of their favorite sports team. They collected $115.30! Way to go BBECC and thank you for your support.

Tanna Padgett

Saturday, December 5, 2009

First Week's Donations - "Coins for Cancer"

I can't even begin to tell you how moved I am by the generosity of our community. We have the totals of the first week's (three days to be exact) collection for "Coins for Cancer" and I am overwhelmed with emotion as I report this to all of you.

2nd grade collected: $534. 60
3rd grade collected: $586.25
4th grade collected: $406.79
5th grade collected: $233. 86

This gives us a grand total of: $1,761.50

This is an absolutely incredible accomplishment in only three days. I can't tell you all how proud and blessed I am to be part of a community that so loves and takes care of their own.

Tanna Padgett

Friday, December 4, 2009

Gold Star Contributors

Darcz Family - $300
Gracie Foster - $218
Taylor family - $200
Huffman Elementary/Intermediate PTO - $150
Carrico family - $148
Charles Mason - $100
Los Vega Restaurant- $100
Susie Dodd - $100
Sterling family - $100
Kruger family- $50

Donation Information

If you or your business would like to make a donation in the form of a check to any of our fundraisers this year we would ask that you make them payable directly to:

Ian Apadoca
Alexia Surdukan

You can bring the checks to the campus or you can deposit them in their trust funds directly. Both Ian and Alexia have accounts set up at Chase Bank.

We can not accept checks made out to HIS or CES for donation to these fundraisers. Please accept our apologies and we ask for your patience and understanding.

We are splitting the proceeds from all of our fundraisers between the two children equally and depositing them directly into trust funds set up in each of their names.

Thank you,
Tanna Padgett

Warm Winter Wishes

We will be starting our "Warm Winter Wishes" Christmas card fundraiser on December 8th. We will be collecting student made Christmas Cards for the Ian and Alexia. Those that return the card with a one dollar donation will be entered into a raffle for a $25 gift card to Toys R Us. One student from each grade level will receive a gift card. We will accept ALL cards with our without a donation until Friday, December 11. You can deliver your cards to Kerri Cone's classroom room 608.

Tanna Padgett

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Coins for Cancer

Quest Council is helping two of our Ben Bowen families this year as our community service project.

Ian Apadoca(age 6) and Alexia Surdukan(age 4) have both been diagnosed with cancer.

"Coins For Cancer" is our holiday event and will take place now until December 16th. All classes will be collecting coins to be donated to these two families.

Please send in any change you can spare – every penny counts!!!

We are privileged to be able to assist these families with the difficult situations they currently find themselves in. As their children fight cancer, we would like to stand next to them, support them, and offer all we can as a school district who loves the children we serve!

Please contact one of our Quest sponsors at the email address above if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your help.

Quest Council Sponsors
Tanna Padgett - 5th grade
Colleen Vetters - 4th grade
Kerrie Cone - 2nd/3rd grade

Thank you,
Tanna Padgett
Calendar of Events

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